Win the Morning to Accomplish More During Mercury Retrograde and Beyond

You groggily open one eye, grab your phone, groan at the list of notifications on your lock screen, look at the time, and suddenly you’re wide awake “S*it! Slept through my alarm again!” you race around, trying to find everything you need, put (hopefully clean) clothes on your body, brush your teeth, and realize you ALSO forgot to prep the coffee last night….. 

Welcome to Mercury Retrograde. If you don’t want this to be you for the next three weeks, read on for some tips on how to win your morning so you give yourself the best shot for success through this retrograde and the rest of eclipse season!

A great morning begins at night

·      Schedule your day the night before. Remember to block time for family and relaxation!

·      Lay out your clothes, keys, wallet, and anything you’ll need for the day.

·      Spend time unwinding

·      Stretch

·      Prep food for the next day

·      Gather, prepare, and lay out everything you will need to work on your most important project for the following day. By preparing the night before, your mind will begin working on the problem in your sleep, and you’ll be able to get into flow more easily during your time scheduled for deep work.

·      Moisturize your skin (you too, guys!)

Set your alarm two hours before you NEED to wake up

Leave your devices on the chargers; this energizing morning routine is tech free (unless you’re setting a timer).

10 minutes: Meditate

5 minutes: Make your bed

30 minutes: Move your body

10 minutes: Clean something

20 minutes: Read something

20 minutes: Journal

10 minutes: Review your day ahead

15 minutes: Start with a healthy breakfast

Get your mind right

If you work remotely, consider this your “commute” from home-mode to work-mode. If you’re headed out of the house, you can do this during your commute or before you arrive.

·      Think of three things you’re grateful for (coffee, light traffic, and a premium parking spot are perfectly valid options!)

·      Take 10 energizing breaths

·      Look yourself in the mirror and affirm that it’s going to be a great day.

Procrastinating can increase your stress, which makes it harder to focus on completing the task. Getting an early start on boring or demanding work lowers your stress and helps you to stay focused. You don’t need motivation to start working, you need discipline. The motivation comes once you’re rolling along.  Recent research suggests the most effective way to maintain motivation is to leave something hanging so you can jump right into your previous day’s task with confidence. This isn’t a free pass to procrastinate 🤣. Rather it’s aimed at keeping you in the groove. If you leave a sentence unfinished, you pick it right back up, along with your previous train of thought. Then, naturally going into the current day’s project feels effortless, like putting one foot in front of the other.

Make time for breaks.

You might think that you’ll get more done if you just keep your nose to the grindstone. However, if your work is particularly long or physically demanding, you can maintain greater focus by taking frequent breaks.

The Pomodoro technique advises 25 minutes of intense work followed by a 5 minute break. Taking breaks before you’re completely exhausted helps you to come back to your task with your energy levels recharged. When your energy levels are high, you’re more able to concentrate fully on the task at hand.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Our minds and bodies are made to work together in harmony. Being in good health reduces stress and makes it easier to concentrate on your work.

·      Adopting a healthy diet will give you the nutrients that you need for your mind and body to operate at peak performance. When you’re full of energy boosting nutrients, you’re less likely to feel distracted.

·      Walking and other moderately physical activities can help you clear your mind. Walking also increases the blood flow to your brain, which can boost your ability to focus.

·      Getting enough sleep each day gives you the energy that you need to stop your thoughts from wandering.

·      Drink plenty of water each day. Dehydration can sap your energy and ability to think clearly.

Practicing mindfulness

Increase your focus by taking the time to be more aware of your surroundings. Learn to use all of your senses as you experience the people, places, and objects in your environment. Looking at things with a different perspective boosts your creativity and focus.

   I challenge you to give these techniques a try and let us know how it worked!

   In Service,



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